Mike's Electric Stuff


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Antique Glass stuff

small3nf.jpg (1275 bytes)Loewe multi- valve The first ever integrated circuit, from 1926! smallbig.jpg (1250 bytes)The BIG stuff Serious glass. smcv.jpg (1013 bytes)High-frequency valves plus klystrons & magnetrons.

smtrig.jpg (1017 bytes)Spark gap and triggered gap tubes and small thyratrons.

smmini.jpg (1083 bytes)Miniature valves
..and the cutest little CRT you'll ever see...!
smallr.jpg (1077 bytes)Vintage valves smallmerc.jpg (1433 bytes)Mercury Arc Rectifiers How you made DC before silicon. smarc.jpg (1048 bytes)Lamps etc. Antique / unusual bulbs & arc tubes..
smallneon.jpg (1451 bytes)Neon lamps and neon strobe tubes. smgeis.jpg (1129 bytes) Geissler tubes pretty discharge tubes from before the days of neon. smallglass.jpg (1038 bytes)Assorted glass components Weston cells, crystals, geiger tubes, vacuum guage.

smphoto.jpg (1089 bytes)Photoelectric Cells and photomultipliers.

anim.gif (26707 bytes)Nixie tubes, dekatrons & counting tubes Digital glass stuff. anim600.gif (7817 bytes)flashdot.gif (1480 bytes)anim100.gif (5533 bytes)anim10.gif (8624 bytes)Nixie Clock project   Full construction details including PCB artwork. plasticguy.jpg (43849 bytes)Advertisments for early electronic stuff incuding very early transistors & computing, from the early 1950s. wpeBC.jpg (343936 bytes)Interesting old frequency counter
Unusual display device
Very Clever Glassware including a glass analogue to digital converter and a 256 bit memory tube.

Tesla coils and high-voltage stuff

Warning! Tesla coils and their ancillary equipment are VERY VERY dangerous and you should not even THINK about trying to make one unless you really understand the dangers of high-voltage electrical systems. And even then you probably shouldn't.

smallcoil.jpg (1138 bytes)Tesla coil pictures Trying not to burn down my garage. smallcd2.jpg (1317 bytes)Zapping CD's What to do with that Spice Girls CD you got for Xmas. smbulb.jpg (1206 bytes)Lightbulb plasma globe Storm in a bulb. smallpanel.jpg (1187 bytes)Laptop Hell  Remember those 'portable' PC's with plasma displays?
smallargon.jpg (1243 bytes)Fun with Argon  Inert gas getting slightly more ert. smpcb.jpg (1271 bytes)Zapping Electronic stuff Chip frying. smhouse.jpg (1164 bytes)High voltage demo at the Deutsches Museum, Munich. uktes.jpg (1687 bytes)UK Teslathon
Corby '98
First UK teslathon.
uktes.jpg (1687 bytes)UK Teslathon Corby '99  uktes.jpg (1687 bytes)UK Teslathon
Cambridge '99 With AVI's of coils and exploding stuff
uktes.jpg (1687 bytes)UK Teslathon Corby 2000

smsurge.jpg (1533 bytes)Fun with a surge generator Can-crushing, ballistic maglev and exploding stuff.

sjacob.jpg (1111 bytes)Jacob's Ladders High-voltage flames smwheel.jpg (947 bytes)Tesla Coil Motor Electric 'wheel of fire' effects. smplasma.jpg (1232 bytes)Fun with Plasma in a xenon flash tube 01514001.JPG (407904 bytes)"Quick & Dirty" Marx Generator Big sparks - fast!

wpe1E.jpg (99150 bytes)The Destruct-O-Tron Three Thousand Joules of danger!

wpe49.jpg (23716 bytes)The Jacobs-Ladder-O-Phone of fire!
A new twist on an old HV device

wpe37.jpg (12045 bytes)Marx Three
A million volts of fun

uktes.jpg (1687 bytes)UK Teslathon Derby 2004
wpe16.jpg (266319 bytes)Sparks of Fire
High voltage AND flames - cool!
uktes.jpg (1687 bytes)Amberley Teslathon  2004
wpe5A.jpg (18231 bytes)High-speed camera meets destruct-o-tron
Amazing footage!
wpe59.jpg (571502 bytes)Destruction in the name of charity


The Spark-O-Phone
Sound improvisation by electrons...
50KV Electron Microscope PSU Info on high-power pulse switching devices trigatrons, thyratrons and various other -trons.

Miscellaneous electric, science & laser stuff

But I wanna see inside anyway!..but only if you find out!Inside Electric Stuff - Ever wondered what electronic gadgets look like inside but were scared to get your screwdriver out ?

wpe7A.jpg (14393 bytes)Ipod Nano V6 LCD hacking wpe8B.jpg (38235 bytes)Flir One / Lepton thermal imager hacking


wpe90.jpg (40899 bytes)LED Filament clock
Clock display using LED lighting filament strips
pcb.gif (4162 bytes)How to make really good homebrew PCBs smakkneo.jpg (1099 bytes)Neodymium magnets Turn a hard disk into a maglev device.
smallmyst.jpg (1332 bytes)Mystery corner Odd components  - can you figure them out ?
smcd80.jpg (1775 bytes)Old calculator collection. smbbm.jpg (1826 bytes)Ball-bearing motor Odd non- magnetic motor. wpe15B.jpg (68790 bytes)Fun with a BIG laser The lights go dim as the beam comes on.....

wpe5.jpg (108527 bytes)Transparent electric stuff

00B03007.JPG (342736 bytes)Unusual digital clocks 01410001.JPG (295906 bytes)Argon laser power supply from surplus switchmode PSUs 01504004.JPG (269342 bytes)Miniature smoke machine for laser experimenters wpe13E.jpg (46686 bytes)Fun with an argon laser


img_5034.jpg (583324 bytes)Wierd military Processor boards wpe4A.jpg (399541 bytes)Cheap laser cutter
Cut! Burn! Melt!
wpe2E.jpg (23920 bytes)The Incredible Shrinking Chip
A nice demonstration of how much smaller chips have become over the last decade.
wpe3C.jpg (52502 bytes)A Laser that burns stuff!
Mike's got a CO2 laser - be afraid, be very afraid..!
wpe52.jpg (135662 bytes)Build a cheap capacitance box
wpe58.jpg (429289 bytes)Probe for in-circuit PIC programming.
wpe149.jpg (163094 bytes)High-Speed video camera system
1000 frames/second of fun
wpe7D.jpg (263982 bytes)Repairing a window with an aquarium pump.
wpe8A.jpg (266638 bytes)Inside a fake AC Adapter wpe9D.jpg (25278 bytes)A Curious Oscillator circuit
Probably not useful..
wpeAD.jpg (4043 bytes)High-speed video images
Images from my high-speed camera system.
New stuff 9 Apr 2006

wpeB0.jpg (107246 bytes)Violet laser diode fun

Fun with Ferrofluid
And magnets. And Water
wpeE1.jpg (502325 bytes)Ipod LCD hacking wpeF7.jpg (10009 bytes)Hacking the ultra-cheap Sparkfun Colour QVGA LCD wpeC.jpg (401956 bytes)SMT toaster hack
Reflow for �5
Bluetti powerbank hacking
Remote controlling for PV car charging
Coherent C Series CO2 laser info    
PIC, AVR & other microcontroller stuff
Assorted neat microcontroller tips, tricks etc.
The Junk Box Oddments that don't really fit anywhere else... Muppet Alert Dumb emails received Naughty Bits What electronic components get up to when you're not looking...

Cynical commercial exploitation department (Warning : may contain something that is actually useful, or something I get paid for...)

My Electric stuff on Ebay Top viewUniversal prototyping board
Highly flexible board for DIP and SMD building.
48 Channel DMX dimmer logo.gif (3182 bytes)The Day Job
Forum for Versatronics & other low-end pick & Place machines

Press / web articles etc. featuring this site :

EEWeb featured site of the day Jan 2012
EEweb interview Dec 2011
BBC feature on Dorkbotlondon, featuring sparkophone presentation, June 2009

� Mike Harrison 1998-2014. Email : mike@electricstuff.co.uk